
Couples kayak rental with complimentary shuttle: $75.00

Rental – Customer Haul:

Canoes: $38.00
Kayaks: $30.00
10 Place Trailer (free with 6 or more units): $50.00

Shuttle distances (see map under trip planning)

4.0 hr.* (Middle Raccoon River Access)
3.0 hr.* (Cowless Access)
2.0 hr.* (Shearer Access)
Longer, 2-day trips, are available

*Hours represent minimum paddle time. (time it would take to paddle straight through)

Times may vary due to river height, and paddlers experience.

But remember when renting from Raccoon River Retreats the gear is yours for the day so you can take as long as you want or as short as you need.

All equipment provided
Maps and route info. are included for the Middle Raccoon River.
Deposit may be required for larger groups.

Call for reservations and customer-haul rates.